Why paint Still Lifes?
Why not? They teach me new ways of seeing tones, shades of colors, shadows and light. Drawing and painting still lifes helps me to better create living subjects such as faces of people and animals.
Well-known famous artists like Monet, Cézanne, Dali, and Warhol are known for some of the best still life paintings that we study in art appreciation classes. I find drawing and painting still lifes fascinating. They bring things that cannot move to life. My still lifes live in homes across the nation.
Still lifes tell stories by testing and honing my artistic skills. An example is Maui Dreams, created after my nephew, Seane treated my supportive sister, Nina and me to a trip of a lifetime to Maui, Hawaii in 2006.
Stephen Blalock is a fine ceramicist whose work I love. One winter day in a little cabin in Valleytown of Andrews, I was inspired to document his beautiful work with my own skills in a painting I call Still Life with Blalock Bowl.
Digital prints are available here.